....ma assolutamente non questo....
Ho la scrivania piena di cose da fare in uan giornata piu' corta del solito in ufficio e sono qui a scrivervi perche' sono felice, commossa, fiduciosa e credo sulla strada del "di nuovo mari".
Non odio questo lunedi perche' e' iniziato in una maniera impeccabile....dormita fantastica dopo un weekend meraviglioso, passato in giro in macchina per i parchi d'America (alcuni ovviamente) con un'amica italiana, a ridere come non mi succedeva da tempo, a scherzare, a cantare LIGABUE a squarciagola (vedi Rosi che piano piano ritornano...), semplicemnete a godersi il sole a picco, il paesaggio lunare che non lascia scampo ai tuoi pensieri, la compagnia reciproca, la gioventu' e la salute, il resto verra' o non verra' da se', inatnto noi andiamo avanti, tra alti e bassi...gia' contenta di questo naturale inizio di settimana apro la caselkla di posta e benche' delusa perche' non ci trovo l'email che aspettavo sono contenta perche' ce ne trovo altre tre, fantastiche....una della Cristina, che mi aggiorna sul gossip bolognese e voi sapete quanto ne abbia bisogno e quanto mi faccia sorridere il filo che mi tiene legata al mio mondo dal quale adesso ho pero' preso una pausa spaziale MOMENTANEA, una di Riccardo, ched non dice granche' ma alla fine "mi abbraccia e mi stringe. forte" ed e' priceless, e una, la piu' bella di tutte, della mia pouà cara amica dellàuniversita', quella che e' cosi' simile a me per certi lati e cosi' diversa per certi altri...una sua email completamente senza veli emotivi, rarissimo da lei che per scoprirsi ci mette uan vita e lo fa solo con gli amici piu' cari, lei che e' forte forte forte ma tanto bisognosa di affetto e coccole (ne conosco un'altra del resto...), lei che mi si rivela come non faceva da tempo....lei che mi fa capire, ancora di piu' e tutto in uan volta, quanto gli amici siano i pilastri di questa vita, di questo che e' "il piu' bell'equilibrio instabile che esista", lei che mi apre gli occhi su quanto vada bene essere fragili e non essere perfetti, lei che mi racconta come valga la pena di chiudersi un pochino a riccio se e' quello che il tuo ecosistema ti chiede per ricostruirsi un po', lei che con le sue parole mi lancia un aeroplanino di carta con scritto che "dopo tempesta arriva sempre la quiete, prima o poi, basta solo aspettarla con calma pazienza e speranza"...lei che mi riconferma come le amicizie salde vadano oltre il tempo lo spazio gli impegni i casini i morosi...lei che mi sta facendo piangere quando dovrei fare mille altre cose tranne questa, lei che mi sprona ad andare avanti facendo esattamente quello che mi sento senza curarmi degli altri di quello che dicono fanno pensano....lei che mi regala, piu' di ogni altro, questo lunedi meraviglioso, che lo sara' per come e' iniziato, perche' mi ha fatto rinfrescare quel cordone ombelicale che mi tiene legata a tutti coloro che contano, mi conoscono ma non mi giudicano, mi amano per quella che sono e non per quello che faccio...e sono convinta che la mia settimana sara' fantastica, indipendentemente da quella telefonata che aspetto come un bimbo Babbo Natale....
E buon compleanno Paula, goditi questa nuova fase della tua vita....
vi abbraccio e vi stringo. Forte.
lunedì 30 giugno 2008
giovedì 26 giugno 2008
....dopo quello che immagino abbiate capito essere un periodo un po' strano per me, e soprattutto dopo avere passato una delle piu' brutte giornate in assoluto ieri, voglio provare a ritornare sulla strada buona, quella della "Mary che ride e tutti si voltano" come mi ha detto una delle mie piu' care amiche...
E voglio provarci con un sorriso, un sorriso perche; ieri sera e' arrivata carlotta e per un po' non saro' piu' sola, un sorriso perche' oggi ho parlato con un amico che non sentivo da tanto e credevo perso, solo per invece capire che mi vuole bene e soffre perche' io soffro, un sorriso perche' questo weekend vado a fare un giretto alla Monument Valley, un sorriso perche' sono dimagrita un kilo, un sorriso perche' stamattina ho visto la mia mamma e Virginia con la webcam del bagno 65-Riccione, un sorriso perche' la Carlotta mi ha portato i cantucci, un sorriso perche' sono stanca di piangere e ieri me la sono vista veramente brutta, un sorriso perche' forse quest' estate vedo Claudia e Caroline, un sorriso perche' sto imparando a memoria il cd di Vasco pronta al concerto, un sorriso perche' mi piace passeggiare la sera nel mio piccolo neighborhood, un sorriso perche' ho appena venduto un altro viaggio e sto cominciando ad organizzare un matrimonio nel 2009, un sorriso perche' mi sto perdutamente innamorando dei miei gatti, un sorriso perche'ho nostalgia di quello che mi fa sorridere, un sorriso perche' spero che mi aiuti a spiegarmi l'inspiegabil e a superare una ferita immensa, un sorriso solo perche' oggi, finalmente, ne ho davvero voglia....
"Con un sorriso mi hai rimesso al mondo con un sorriso solo, con un sorriso che non mi aspettavo con un sorriso gratis...."
E voglio provarci con un sorriso, un sorriso perche; ieri sera e' arrivata carlotta e per un po' non saro' piu' sola, un sorriso perche' oggi ho parlato con un amico che non sentivo da tanto e credevo perso, solo per invece capire che mi vuole bene e soffre perche' io soffro, un sorriso perche' questo weekend vado a fare un giretto alla Monument Valley, un sorriso perche' sono dimagrita un kilo, un sorriso perche' stamattina ho visto la mia mamma e Virginia con la webcam del bagno 65-Riccione, un sorriso perche' la Carlotta mi ha portato i cantucci, un sorriso perche' sono stanca di piangere e ieri me la sono vista veramente brutta, un sorriso perche' forse quest' estate vedo Claudia e Caroline, un sorriso perche' sto imparando a memoria il cd di Vasco pronta al concerto, un sorriso perche' mi piace passeggiare la sera nel mio piccolo neighborhood, un sorriso perche' ho appena venduto un altro viaggio e sto cominciando ad organizzare un matrimonio nel 2009, un sorriso perche' mi sto perdutamente innamorando dei miei gatti, un sorriso perche'ho nostalgia di quello che mi fa sorridere, un sorriso perche' spero che mi aiuti a spiegarmi l'inspiegabil e a superare una ferita immensa, un sorriso solo perche' oggi, finalmente, ne ho davvero voglia....
"Con un sorriso mi hai rimesso al mondo con un sorriso solo, con un sorriso che non mi aspettavo con un sorriso gratis...."
martedì 24 giugno 2008
My mistake....
...I really thought that our call on Friday changed things a bit, making them be better and on the right track to go back to normal...guess I was wrong, another time....no big deal, how many time have I been wrong in our relationship?!?
I still don't understand....and I am so lost I cannot even find my own self anymore....I don't even think you have got a particular reason behind this all crap, maybe just testing me to see to which point I can get to get you...
I think I have already reached and abundantly passed my lowest point ever...what else are you waiting for?!?
I still don't understand....and I am so lost I cannot even find my own self anymore....I don't even think you have got a particular reason behind this all crap, maybe just testing me to see to which point I can get to get you...
I think I have already reached and abundantly passed my lowest point ever...what else are you waiting for?!?
Running to stay still
Yes, another one for you....
I know you know how much pissed off I am at you and your behavior and the funniest thing ever is that you could not care less....It does not matter how much I yell, scream, cry, try to reach you.....you keep hiding and driving me nuts....
Did you have a good weekend with your entire family?
Because you know what? I am so fricking tired to be nice and try to understand :"MariaLaura does not understand me and the situation" what in the world is there to understand?!?If you don't talk to me how can I understand?!? The only thing that I understand is that you did not even bother calling me after the big important weekend....this is the only thing I am understanding while trying to be strong and make the most out of this all crap....
You gotta explain me the meaning you give to the word love, because I think we get some issues here since I call love something much different than this....
Yes, you are now winning over me and I am the weakest between us, but just because I LOVE YOU and this is pretty difficult to put aside....don't take me for granted, I will not be here forever taking crap from you and trying to understanding why you are treating worse than I treat my garbage can....and yes, go ahead and hide behind the :"I don't call you because you yell at me..." good boy, great behavior....this is the kind of communication we need in our already messed up enough relationship....
And this is it for this monologue of mine...no worries, I am not expecting you to answer...this is my therapy to keep going, while you are totally and absolutely ignoring me....
I know you know how much pissed off I am at you and your behavior and the funniest thing ever is that you could not care less....It does not matter how much I yell, scream, cry, try to reach you.....you keep hiding and driving me nuts....
Did you have a good weekend with your entire family?
Because you know what? I am so fricking tired to be nice and try to understand :"MariaLaura does not understand me and the situation" what in the world is there to understand?!?If you don't talk to me how can I understand?!? The only thing that I understand is that you did not even bother calling me after the big important weekend....this is the only thing I am understanding while trying to be strong and make the most out of this all crap....
You gotta explain me the meaning you give to the word love, because I think we get some issues here since I call love something much different than this....
Yes, you are now winning over me and I am the weakest between us, but just because I LOVE YOU and this is pretty difficult to put aside....don't take me for granted, I will not be here forever taking crap from you and trying to understanding why you are treating worse than I treat my garbage can....and yes, go ahead and hide behind the :"I don't call you because you yell at me..." good boy, great behavior....this is the kind of communication we need in our already messed up enough relationship....
And this is it for this monologue of mine...no worries, I am not expecting you to answer...this is my therapy to keep going, while you are totally and absolutely ignoring me....
mercoledì 11 giugno 2008
Here below there is what I wrote you some days ago, totally desperate because I could not communicate with you.
Today teh desperation has not gone away but my state of mind has changed....
I can't push the river, I can't push your river.....
I never wanted to be in your way, in between you and your family, in between you and Matheus.
I wanted you to be comfortable with me and our relationship, I wanted us to be happy because I still think you are the man for me.
Nonetheless I think now it is the moment for me to step aside.
I have to leave you lead your life over there with yoor family and your things, without having me in between of everything.
I would have liked to talk to you to at least get to know what is going on with you and why we are at this point which I was not expected at all, but I guess I cannot always have all I want.
Please read this piece of note I wrote you here below, it is my love to you, no matter what.
I miss you, I have been missing you for a while and I will miss you for another long while...
But I can understand...
I wish you the very best of everything, in everything.
If you feel you want to get in touch with me at some point in your life, try my numbers, I don;t think I will go anywhere soon.
Many kisses piccolini for today and all the days to come.
tua, ML
"Because I hope you are still reading this even though I am not sure and especially because this is really my last chance to talk to you and get some sort of response from you....I cannot be more desperate than this, not knowing where you are what you do what is going on with you.
I miss you so much I don't know what to do anymore, I am trying to keep busy but it helps only up to a certain point...
I want to hear from you, to hear your voice telling me what our beautiful US has become and why....
I want you to talk to me until there is nothing left to say, I want to be able to look in your eyes and find some sort of comfort to what is falling into pieces without me being able to prevent this catastrophe.
I need you next to me, at least fopr the last time, I need a good end to this relationship which has been my hope, my inspiration and part of myself for more than a year....
I need to hear everything you have to say directly from your mouth, it does not matter what it is and how much it hurts...
I am booking a client into the Casa Marina Resort in Key West and I cannot help thinking about you all the time....
Seriously I don't know what to do anymore, you have to step somehow towards me because i don't have any source anymore....I have tried them all and I really do not want to let it go like this, without trying to talk to you and getting some explanation of what is going on....
I am really upset and in pain....I am sort of begging you....to put you on my blog it has to mean that I really really don't know what to do anymore, I am desperate....Please listen to me and get in touch with me...it is important...a lot...
And if you want me to let you go for good, just tell me so...call me and tell me that you are done....but call me, it will be for sure less painful and hurting than this, at least we will be talking....
I know you care about me and you don't want to hurt me, so please answer me in some sort of way...you choose...deal?!"
Today teh desperation has not gone away but my state of mind has changed....
I can't push the river, I can't push your river.....
I never wanted to be in your way, in between you and your family, in between you and Matheus.
I wanted you to be comfortable with me and our relationship, I wanted us to be happy because I still think you are the man for me.
Nonetheless I think now it is the moment for me to step aside.
I have to leave you lead your life over there with yoor family and your things, without having me in between of everything.
I would have liked to talk to you to at least get to know what is going on with you and why we are at this point which I was not expected at all, but I guess I cannot always have all I want.
Please read this piece of note I wrote you here below, it is my love to you, no matter what.
I miss you, I have been missing you for a while and I will miss you for another long while...
But I can understand...
I wish you the very best of everything, in everything.
If you feel you want to get in touch with me at some point in your life, try my numbers, I don;t think I will go anywhere soon.
Many kisses piccolini for today and all the days to come.
tua, ML
"Because I hope you are still reading this even though I am not sure and especially because this is really my last chance to talk to you and get some sort of response from you....I cannot be more desperate than this, not knowing where you are what you do what is going on with you.
I miss you so much I don't know what to do anymore, I am trying to keep busy but it helps only up to a certain point...
I want to hear from you, to hear your voice telling me what our beautiful US has become and why....
I want you to talk to me until there is nothing left to say, I want to be able to look in your eyes and find some sort of comfort to what is falling into pieces without me being able to prevent this catastrophe.
I need you next to me, at least fopr the last time, I need a good end to this relationship which has been my hope, my inspiration and part of myself for more than a year....
I need to hear everything you have to say directly from your mouth, it does not matter what it is and how much it hurts...
I am booking a client into the Casa Marina Resort in Key West and I cannot help thinking about you all the time....
Seriously I don't know what to do anymore, you have to step somehow towards me because i don't have any source anymore....I have tried them all and I really do not want to let it go like this, without trying to talk to you and getting some explanation of what is going on....
I am really upset and in pain....I am sort of begging you....to put you on my blog it has to mean that I really really don't know what to do anymore, I am desperate....Please listen to me and get in touch with me...it is important...a lot...
And if you want me to let you go for good, just tell me so...call me and tell me that you are done....but call me, it will be for sure less painful and hurting than this, at least we will be talking....
I know you care about me and you don't want to hurt me, so please answer me in some sort of way...you choose...deal?!"
martedì 3 giugno 2008
Chi mi ama mi segua....
...perche; io sono diversa da voi che siete diversi dagli altri che sono diversi dalle altre persione che popolano questa terra...perche;' ognuno e'diverso ed 'e bello e interessante proprio per la sua diversita' interiore e la sua unicita', per quello che il suo essere contribuisce ad arricchire la societa' e la gente che frequenta...odedio, non e' che tutti noi arricchiamo il prossimo sempre e comunque ma il mio punto di discussione stasera e' proprio questo...se non ti vado bene pace, non siamo legati col bullone della calzoni e va benissimo cosi', solo non cercare di cambiarmi e soprattutto non bitcharmi per quello che tu vorresti che fossi e che non sono....io sono io, se siamo compatibili fine, altrimenti fine as well....
Tutte queste considerazioni molto profonde arrivano da un po' troppo vino e da una cena fantasticamente divertente con Michelle, la mia amica single super convinta che quando si parla di maschietti da semplicemente il meglio di se da quanto e' stanca schietta e delusa dal comportamento dell'altra parte del pianeta sessuale...insomma una bella lezione di cinisco e sarcasmo adattissima a scuotermi dal torpore e dalla tristezza in cui verso ultimamente....percio' alla fine siamo entrambe arrivate alla conclusione che siamo quasi perfette o comunque parecchio ok come siamo, senza dover cambiare troppo, e chi non lo capisce o ci fa fare troppe seghe mentali puo' andare semplicemente a quel paese che tanto non ne vale la pena....percio' volevo condividere quest risoluzione mentale con tutti voi...e sabato sera si va a ballare dressed to kill...just to have fun....e' troppo bello uscire con un'amica e sbattersene altamente di chi e' attorno ma semplicemnete divertirsi e godersi la serata e la musica senza seghe mentali, paranioe, nevrosi varie...come la mia super amica bulgara Katerina mi ha detto stasera :"....try to concentrate on what you like doing and what makes you happy except getting married and having kids, and you will feel much better"...credo che cominciero' proprio da sabato :)....adoro Michelle, mi fa semplicemnete morire dal ridere, 34 anni e non sentirtli..ed e' anche una super manager di una grande azienda americana...la persona giusta per tirarmi su il morale...e poi quanto mi piace cucinare per qualcuno, credo che questa sia una delle mie passioni....
notte mentre voi vi svegliate....
Tutte queste considerazioni molto profonde arrivano da un po' troppo vino e da una cena fantasticamente divertente con Michelle, la mia amica single super convinta che quando si parla di maschietti da semplicemente il meglio di se da quanto e' stanca schietta e delusa dal comportamento dell'altra parte del pianeta sessuale...insomma una bella lezione di cinisco e sarcasmo adattissima a scuotermi dal torpore e dalla tristezza in cui verso ultimamente....percio' alla fine siamo entrambe arrivate alla conclusione che siamo quasi perfette o comunque parecchio ok come siamo, senza dover cambiare troppo, e chi non lo capisce o ci fa fare troppe seghe mentali puo' andare semplicemente a quel paese che tanto non ne vale la pena....percio' volevo condividere quest risoluzione mentale con tutti voi...e sabato sera si va a ballare dressed to kill...just to have fun....e' troppo bello uscire con un'amica e sbattersene altamente di chi e' attorno ma semplicemnete divertirsi e godersi la serata e la musica senza seghe mentali, paranioe, nevrosi varie...come la mia super amica bulgara Katerina mi ha detto stasera :"....try to concentrate on what you like doing and what makes you happy except getting married and having kids, and you will feel much better"...credo che cominciero' proprio da sabato :)....adoro Michelle, mi fa semplicemnete morire dal ridere, 34 anni e non sentirtli..ed e' anche una super manager di una grande azienda americana...la persona giusta per tirarmi su il morale...e poi quanto mi piace cucinare per qualcuno, credo che questa sia una delle mie passioni....
notte mentre voi vi svegliate....
lunedì 2 giugno 2008
Bridge over troubled water
...when I think about this song, my face immediately comes in front of my eyes....I feel like I am the troubled water and there might even be a bridge above me but God knows where it is, I don't for sure...
As you all know I moved in my new house, beautiful gorgeous, proud of having done it all almost by myself, proud of this big step which I don't know where it will bring me to but it is alredy something, somehow....
Nevertheless, I still have this sensation of emptiness and of things not finished that troubles me big time, day and night, day after day....
I am trying to pretend it's not here, I am fine, I cook, I clean, I play with the cats, I even go out....but at a certain point here it is, under my clothes, under my feet, in the eyes of the cat or of someone looking at me for more than 3 seconds....this is what troubles me, this sense of not end, even though I don't even know what there is to end, still....
Right now I would like to solve a big thing in my life, something that used to make me smile and now it does not anymore, but it's difficult, and it upsets me too much to even think it straight...I am trying to concentrate on something else, something different, something fun..the sun, the house, the cats, the fact that I am losing weight...but it does not work, not on the long run, not when I turn off the lights and go to sleep in my lilac bedroom....
Think I could stay here and write for hours about how I feel, what I don't feel anymore and what I still feel too much....but to be honest with you it is so pointless...I just have to sit on "the beach", like my friend Gina did in Hawaii when she really needed to reflect seriously about her life and she did not get up for 7 hours, until she looked so much inside her deep self that she found the aqnswer to all her doubts fears questions...this is the only thing I have to do, find my beach, sit on it and do not get up until I arrive at a compromise with myself, until I see clearly or pretty much clearly what I want to do, what can make me happy and what I need to do....the only thing is that I am a real chicken shit, too scared to face myself because what if I don't like what I see for real?What if I don't like and cannot accept the answers that my inner self gives to my superficial self? At that point it would be a mess...so I keep procrastinating this "test" and keep on being a troubled water.....
Here the pictures of my new nest....until it lasts....the pink room feels very empty and the dollar is weak..any other reason to jump on a plane and come here?!?
tanti bacini piccolini.....
As you all know I moved in my new house, beautiful gorgeous, proud of having done it all almost by myself, proud of this big step which I don't know where it will bring me to but it is alredy something, somehow....
Nevertheless, I still have this sensation of emptiness and of things not finished that troubles me big time, day and night, day after day....
I am trying to pretend it's not here, I am fine, I cook, I clean, I play with the cats, I even go out....but at a certain point here it is, under my clothes, under my feet, in the eyes of the cat or of someone looking at me for more than 3 seconds....this is what troubles me, this sense of not end, even though I don't even know what there is to end, still....
Right now I would like to solve a big thing in my life, something that used to make me smile and now it does not anymore, but it's difficult, and it upsets me too much to even think it straight...I am trying to concentrate on something else, something different, something fun..the sun, the house, the cats, the fact that I am losing weight...but it does not work, not on the long run, not when I turn off the lights and go to sleep in my lilac bedroom....
Think I could stay here and write for hours about how I feel, what I don't feel anymore and what I still feel too much....but to be honest with you it is so pointless...I just have to sit on "the beach", like my friend Gina did in Hawaii when she really needed to reflect seriously about her life and she did not get up for 7 hours, until she looked so much inside her deep self that she found the aqnswer to all her doubts fears questions...this is the only thing I have to do, find my beach, sit on it and do not get up until I arrive at a compromise with myself, until I see clearly or pretty much clearly what I want to do, what can make me happy and what I need to do....the only thing is that I am a real chicken shit, too scared to face myself because what if I don't like what I see for real?What if I don't like and cannot accept the answers that my inner self gives to my superficial self? At that point it would be a mess...so I keep procrastinating this "test" and keep on being a troubled water.....
Here the pictures of my new nest....until it lasts....the pink room feels very empty and the dollar is weak..any other reason to jump on a plane and come here?!?
tanti bacini piccolini.....
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