giovedì 20 novembre 2008


I cannot go back to sleep and I don't really know why....
My mom is flying into town today to be with me for a while and everything is pretty much in more of a good place than it has been in a while....
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, we get a very long weekend and we are even supposed to have the real Fall weather instead of the Phoenix Fall weather at 78 degrees....
The deadline to get that phone call is now only 11 days away and with myn mom here it won't even seem that long...still, my head is full of thoughts, and it is working full speed like a Ferrari engine in Formula is 5.47am now, I want to go backk to sleep....
As soon as I close my eyes I get the weirdest e most unusual things in my mind....the company and the upcoming Luxury Travel Expo the economy the new President my extra full social calendar to deal with before going back to Italy which classes I want to take next sememster so that I can sign up who I want see while in Italy and how I can organize it if I can see Caroline in Zurich or Vienna my winter vacation with H where when how the Christmas presents which I have already bought but now don't seem right my cats left alone with the sitter for a month the fact that I haven't read a page of any book in such a long time I have to get up at 7.30am this morning to wash my hair I am getting the Invisalign today, it takes me back to when I was 8 with my first braces....some things really never far London Stansed is from Leicester how often you can see someone who lives on the opposite side of your globe and with whom you are trying to have a love relationship if I am going to shed those 5 extra pounds before going back to Italy even though I know the answer is no what I am going to wear to pick him up if I will kiss him or just hug him, in the British way if he will call in these 11 days and if he will actually show up....and so many more things is insane to even thinking that i can go back to is 5:54am now, the cats are all awake, laying on my desk while I am writing, I love them from the bottom of my heart...I am trying to go back to sleep for that 1 hour and half that remains before the fricking alarm clock starts ringing and I have to wake up...
Good night and good bye to all of you with this beautiful note stolen from the page of a guy i don't even know on facebook:
"In viaggio
Il sole scalda l’asfalto mentre il cielo, seppur nudo di nubi, non lascia speranze di un aria propizia. La mente vaga in fondo ai tuoi occhi mentre le mie mani sostengono il tuo fragile cuore. Il tuo odore è buono come pane fresco al mattino e accompagna i sogni di me che ritorno bambino. Sto arrivando"

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